Motherhood In Progress

Wife. Mom. Teacher. A Work in Progress

There is no manual to motherhood

We are all a work in progress

This is how it all started…

Have you ever found yourself wondering- Did I do enough? Am I enough? Will I be enough?

Do you struggle to balance the everyday life of being a mom with the everyday life of being a working woman? If you do, then we have a lot in common. I am

The title of “mom” comes with a lot of responsibilities. You become someone’s primary caretaker- you are their whole world. But with that responsibility also comes a loss of who you once were. I have been a mom for almost 8 years and have had three beautiful children in that time. I have also continued to work full-time as a teacher as I embarked and continue to navigate that journey. Through it all, I feel as though I have lost myself.

I started writing as an outlet, simply for myself. However, I started to think that if I was feeling this way about work, motherhood, and life in general, maybe other people could relate. Being a mom is not easy. Working through it all makes it even more challenging.

So Hi!-I am Emily- a full-time elementary teacher and mom of 3. I love to read, workout, and eat healthy all while trying to balance a full-time job and 3 kids with very busy schedules. I am a constant work in progress and I hope you follow along as I try to navigate this crazy life as easily as possible.

xo, Emily

Wife. Mom. Teacher

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5 Daily Habits that Make me a Better Mom

How did I get here?